DNA Testing

DNA Buccal Swab Collection

The process of obtaining a DNA sample doesn’t have to be complicated or invasive. With our DNA buccal swab collection service, you can have a simple, painless procedure performed without the need for needles or blood. This method involves swabbing the inside of the cheek to gather DNA, making it an ideal choice for those seeking quick and easy testing. 

It’s non-invasive, comfortable, and provides highly accurate results, whether you need a paternity test, ancestry analysis, or any other DNA-related testing. Once collected, your sample will be sent to an accredited lab for processing, ensuring the reliability of your results. If you’re looking for a straightforward and convenient way to collect your DNA sample, our buccal swab collection service is the perfect solution. Contact us to schedule your appointment and get the results you need.

Get in Touch for Convenient Testing

Have questions or ready to schedule a mobile DNA or specimen collection? We're here to help. Reach out today and let us provide the reliable and convenient testing solutions you need.